Structured Literacy is a science and evidence based approach to teaching reading.

At The Study Nook, our Structured Literacy lessons follow an evidence-based approach that systematically teaches the foundational elements of reading and writing.

Our lessons go beyond traditional methods by employing a multi-sensory approach, and breaking down language skills into smaller, manageable parts.

This approach is beneficial for all students; however, it is particularly beneficial for learners with dyslexia or other challenges, as it caters to their specific needs.

Our approach to Structured Literacy also aligns perfectly with the approach utilised by many local schools.

The Lessons


The first step in supporting your child is to gather specific diagnostic information, so we know exactly what your child’s strengths and challenges are. You may have had an assessment previously, and this will be useful in guiding us; however, we do require the completion of a Diagnostic Assessment. The information from this assessment enables us to tailor support sessions in a very specific and evidence-based way.


Lessons will follow an individualised scope and sequence, tailored to your child’s specific needs. Each lesson will cover:

  • Phonological Awareness

  • High-Frequency and Irregular Words

  • Letter Formation

  • Decoding and Encoding previously learned skills and new skills

  • Dictation/Writing

  • Decodable Reading

All students leave with follow up activities for home.


Structured Literacy lessons are either one-on-one or paired, whereas in-school lessons are often small groups. Paired and group lessons will only occur if there are learners with similar needs and parent approval is given.

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