Comprehensive and personalised Maths Support for Year 9-13 Learners.

At The Study Nook we provide personalised Maths support for students from Year 9 to Year 13, covering all levels of the New Zealand Curriculum, including NCEA Achievement Standards and Scholarship preparation.

Our experienced tutors are equipped to help with a variety of topics, from algebra and geometry to calculus and statistics. We cater to all learning needs, ensuring that each student receives the guidance they need to excel in their studies.

For homeschoolers, including those following the Te Kura curriculum, we offer customised lesson plans that align with their unique educational journey. Our goal is to build confidence and proficiency in Maths, preparing students for academic success and a bright future.

Whether your child is struggling with basic concepts or aiming for top marks in NCEA or Cambridge exams, our tailored approach ensures they get the most out of every session.

The Lessons


Our Secondary Maths Tutoring lessons are guided by the student's specific needs, ensuring a targeted and effective learning experience. Lessons are structured around:

  • Term Overviews: We follow the student's term overview to ensure they stay on track with their school's curriculum and prepare well for upcoming topics.

  • Assessments: Focused preparation for upcoming assessments, including practice questions and review of key concepts, to help students perform their best.

  • Homework Needs: Assistance with current homework assignments to reinforce understanding and ensure timely completion of tasks.


Each lesson will cover:

  • Basic Facts - automaticity focus (if this is still needed)

  • Revision of past learning and concepts.

  • Explicit teaching following the ‘I Do, We Do, You Do’ model.

  • All students leave with follow up activities for home.


Secondary Maths tutoring lessons are conducted online, so they are either one-on-one or paired. Paired lessons will only occur if there are learners with similar needs. Parents can select their preference on enrolment.

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